Authors are requested to submit their manuscript according to the journal style format (see below) as a Microsoft Word file. The Journal Manager will check the originality of the manuscript against plagiarism using TURNITin software. Authors are requested to send a signed cover letter to the editor either by mail, e-mail or hand delivery (see below). Authors are requested to suggest two potential national reviewers as well as two potential international (foreign) reviewers with full mailing/emailing details as the journal is using a double-blind review in the reviewing process.. The executive editor will read the manuscript and check the innovative nature, the progress beyond the state-of-the-art, the quality of English writing and the compliance to the formatting style of the journal. The executive editor has the right to reject manuscripts, which do not meet publishing ethics or minimum quality standards. Also, he may ask for further improvement of manuscripts that are written in poor English. Editor will assign at least two potential reviewers for evaluating the manuscript, one of them will be international. He has the sole right to use the suggested reviewers or not taking into account the principle of "conflict of interest". It is not allowed to resubmit a manuscript for publication in case of previous rejection by Mansoura University Journal of Agricultural Sciences. |