Yakoub, W., EI-Barbary, N., EI-Ansary, O., Abdellatif, M. (2005). A STUDY OF SOME PHYSIOLOGICAL PARAMETERS IN DIFFERENT RACES OF THE HONEYBEE WORKERS Apis me/lifera L.. Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, 30(12), 8167-8174. doi: 10.21608/jppp.2005.239485
Wafaa A. Yakoub; N. S. EI-Barbary; O. N. EI-Ansary; M. A. Abdellatif. "A STUDY OF SOME PHYSIOLOGICAL PARAMETERS IN DIFFERENT RACES OF THE HONEYBEE WORKERS Apis me/lifera L.". Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, 30, 12, 2005, 8167-8174. doi: 10.21608/jppp.2005.239485
Yakoub, W., EI-Barbary, N., EI-Ansary, O., Abdellatif, M. (2005). 'A STUDY OF SOME PHYSIOLOGICAL PARAMETERS IN DIFFERENT RACES OF THE HONEYBEE WORKERS Apis me/lifera L.', Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, 30(12), pp. 8167-8174. doi: 10.21608/jppp.2005.239485
Yakoub, W., EI-Barbary, N., EI-Ansary, O., Abdellatif, M. A STUDY OF SOME PHYSIOLOGICAL PARAMETERS IN DIFFERENT RACES OF THE HONEYBEE WORKERS Apis me/lifera L.. Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, 2005; 30(12): 8167-8174. doi: 10.21608/jppp.2005.239485
1Department of Economic Entomology, Faculty of Agriculture, Damascus University, Syria,
2Department of Economic Entomology, Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria University, Egypt.
The newly emerged F, hybnd workers had the highest mean weights for the head and thorax either fresh or dry. The Carniolan race came next, while the Syrian workers had the lowest weights in spring and summer. The hypopharyngeal glands showed a similar trend in their development after feeding the newly emerged workers for ten days on candy centaininp 10% of pollen grains. The F1 hybrid workers showed the highest rate of development, followed by the Carniolan race The lowest mean was recorded in those of the Syrian race. Some major elements, namely Potassium (K). Calcium (Ca), Sodium (Na) and Magnesium (I\o\g) in the heao of the newly emerged workers of the Syrian and Carniolan races and their F1 hybrid .n spring and summer seasons were determined by Atormc absorption techniques The statistical analysis proved strongly that there were Significant difrerences between the honeybee workers reared in spnng and summer in their content of the (K). (Cal, (Na) and (Mg) In the three tested bees
Concerning to the thorax fresh weight, dry weight and nitrogen content for each tested bees during the two seasons Statistical analysis indicated that there were Significant difrerences between the means of the two races and their F 1 hybrid In spring and summer. Only one exception occurred in the case of nitrogen content of the Carniolan race.