Youssef,, L., Mariy, F., lbrahim, S., Gamil, W. (2004). CONTROL OF THE EGYPTIAN cortes LEAFWORM Spodoptera iittoretis (80150,) BY USE OF FORMULATED BACTERIA.. Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, 29(4), 2077-2086. doi: 10.21608/jppp.2004.239533
L. A. Youssef,; Faiza M. Mariy; S. A. lbrahim; Walaa I. Gamil. "CONTROL OF THE EGYPTIAN cortes LEAFWORM Spodoptera iittoretis (80150,) BY USE OF FORMULATED BACTERIA.". Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, 29, 4, 2004, 2077-2086. doi: 10.21608/jppp.2004.239533
Youssef,, L., Mariy, F., lbrahim, S., Gamil, W. (2004). 'CONTROL OF THE EGYPTIAN cortes LEAFWORM Spodoptera iittoretis (80150,) BY USE OF FORMULATED BACTERIA.', Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, 29(4), pp. 2077-2086. doi: 10.21608/jppp.2004.239533
Youssef,, L., Mariy, F., lbrahim, S., Gamil, W. CONTROL OF THE EGYPTIAN cortes LEAFWORM Spodoptera iittoretis (80150,) BY USE OF FORMULATED BACTERIA.. Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, 2004; 29(4): 2077-2086. doi: 10.21608/jppp.2004.239533
2Genetics Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Ain Shams University, Snoubra EI. Kheima, Cairo, Egypt
The efficacy of two pathogenic bacteria Bacillus /huring/Msis var. kurslaki HD129 and Serratia marcescens were avaluated on 3~ end 5'" larval inslars of Sp < /em>coop < /em>ter» liftoral/s. These bacterial products were Isolated bylhe Aln Shams Canter of Genetic Engineering and 8kltechnok)gy.The cornmerctat product Becutus thuringiensls var. kurslaki "Protecto" was considered as a standard for cornpanson. Allhough, both two t estec b aelerl al i s olates h ad a high L eM) than the commercIal product Protecto, both exhibited highsr accumulative mortality. This eff~t was more apparent for Serratia mercescens than HD129 1.0. 66.5% and 62% respectively (or treatment of 3,d instar. F urthe<more, the lime required to kill 50% of Insects (L T~) was the lowest when Serratia nrarcescens was tested, It was <I days lor both larval tnstars treated. Meanwnile, this period was 5 and 8 days lor 3'" and s" Inslar larvae treated with HD 129 and it averaged 7 days (or both treated Instars when Pro tecto was used Percontage of malformation was higher and number of larvae pupation was lower when the two tested bacterial isolates were testec Ihan commercial pl"oduct.