Youssef,, L. (2004). RELATIVE RESISTANCE OF SOME MAIZE CULTIVARS TO Sitophi/us zeamais (MOTSCH.) AND' Sitofroga cerea/el/a(OLlV.} IN STORAGE.. Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, 29(4), 2117-2125. doi: 10.21608/jppp.2004.239540
L. A. Youssef,. "RELATIVE RESISTANCE OF SOME MAIZE CULTIVARS TO Sitophi/us zeamais (MOTSCH.) AND' Sitofroga cerea/el/a(OLlV.} IN STORAGE.". Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, 29, 4, 2004, 2117-2125. doi: 10.21608/jppp.2004.239540
Youssef,, L. (2004). 'RELATIVE RESISTANCE OF SOME MAIZE CULTIVARS TO Sitophi/us zeamais (MOTSCH.) AND' Sitofroga cerea/el/a(OLlV.} IN STORAGE.', Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, 29(4), pp. 2117-2125. doi: 10.21608/jppp.2004.239540
Youssef,, L. RELATIVE RESISTANCE OF SOME MAIZE CULTIVARS TO Sitophi/us zeamais (MOTSCH.) AND' Sitofroga cerea/el/a(OLlV.} IN STORAGE.. Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, 2004; 29(4): 2117-2125. doi: 10.21608/jppp.2004.239540
The degree of feeding resistance by Sito/foge cereeteue, otiv.(tepidoPtera) and S;lophlius leema;s Motsch.(coleoptera),to four Egyptian maize culuvars, Sweet grain sorghum. Triple hybrids 321. Giza 2 and Single hybrids 10 planted in two dlHerent dates was studied. The total number of emerged adults of both l()Sect species. dlHerence in weight loss ollnfesled grains and percentage 01 grain viability. in the four cunlvars.ere found signtficant. Moreover me-an weight of both emerged insects and their faeces are seperately recorded. AJso.welght as well 8S amount of consumed and digested food by emerged Insects ere calculalsd. The result Indicte that the variley Gila 2 Is the most resistant one (or msect lnrestauoo.
There Is a good correlation between rate of Insect growth. rate 01 digesl.3bllity. efficiency of conversion of ingested lood to body matter(ECI) and also efficietXy of converslon of digested food to body rnartsr (ECO).
SOS· protein electrophoresis analysis proves thai each cuttlvar has an Unique Band (UB) which can be used as biochernicai marker to oiscrirninate among them.