EI-Deeb,, H., Abdel-Halim, A., Koutb, I., Khidr, F., Edress, N. (2004). STUDYING SOME ECOLOGICAL ASPECTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE PREVALENT LAND SNAILS AT KAFR EL- SHEIKH GOVERNORATE.. Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, 29(5), 2847-2853. doi: 10.21608/jppp.2004.239717
H. I. EI-Deeb,; A. Abdel-Halim; I. Koutb; Fatma K. Khidr; Nadia M. Edress. "STUDYING SOME ECOLOGICAL ASPECTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE PREVALENT LAND SNAILS AT KAFR EL- SHEIKH GOVERNORATE.". Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, 29, 5, 2004, 2847-2853. doi: 10.21608/jppp.2004.239717
EI-Deeb,, H., Abdel-Halim, A., Koutb, I., Khidr, F., Edress, N. (2004). 'STUDYING SOME ECOLOGICAL ASPECTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE PREVALENT LAND SNAILS AT KAFR EL- SHEIKH GOVERNORATE.', Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, 29(5), pp. 2847-2853. doi: 10.21608/jppp.2004.239717
EI-Deeb,, H., Abdel-Halim, A., Koutb, I., Khidr, F., Edress, N. STUDYING SOME ECOLOGICAL ASPECTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE PREVALENT LAND SNAILS AT KAFR EL- SHEIKH GOVERNORATE.. Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, 2004; 29(5): 2847-2853. doi: 10.21608/jppp.2004.239717
1Plant Protection Research Institute I Agric. Research center.
2Faculty of Agriculture, Ain Shams University.
SUNey and diustlibution of the land snails infested the different plants at Kafr EI - Sheikh Governorate were run in some areas during two succissine seasons, 1998/1999 and 1999/2000 seasons. The results proved the occerrence of six herbivorous snails species belonged to three families i.e. Helicidae, succinidae and zonitidae. The Helicoidae family was represented by four species (Monacha cont;ane, Eobania vermiculata, Theba pissna and CochilceHs acute). The outher two species were Succines putris and OxychJ1us sll/ovus belonged to succindae and zonitidae families , respectively while Succinea putris and Oxychilus alliavus belonging to the familie Succinidae. On the other hand, the distribution and infestation levels of the surveyed land snails varied according to localities and host plant, whereas Monscha cantianB snaUs were recorded in all surveyed localities, attacking several plants including field crops, horticultural and fruit trees. It seemed to be the key pest at all the surveyed localities, where ornamental plant were found to be the preferable host for Eobania vermiculate at all studied districts. Theba pisana were found with heavy infestation on Duranta sp., Rosa Pelargonium zonal, Brassica o/eracea and Lactica sativa at Balteem, while CochlicelJa acuta was found with severe infestation on Pesidium guajavs, Ficus carica, Trifolium a1exandrinum, Citrus sinensis and Casuarina equistifolia , Cochiiella acuta snails were found with heavy infestation Casuarina equistifolia , Pesidium guajava , Citrus sinensis and Trifolium alexandrinum at Sakha , and with moderate infestation on lea maize at Balteem and Phoenix daclyfifera at Messer. Succina putris snails trifolium alexandrinum and most vegetable crops severely infested at all the localities while Theba pisana were found on ornamental plants in all surveyed localities, especially in the gardens at Belteem and Sakha.