Abdel Aleem,, R., Morsi, G., Metwaliy, M. (2004). POPULATION DENSITY OF THE POMEGRANATE WHITEFL Y,Siphoninus phillyreae (HALIDA Y) (HOMOPTERA: ALEYRODIDAE) AND ITS PARASITOIDS IN MIDDLE EGYPT.. Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, 29(5), 2855-2863. doi: 10.21608/jppp.2004.239718
R. Y. Abdel Aleem,; G. A. Morsi; M. M. Metwaliy. "POPULATION DENSITY OF THE POMEGRANATE WHITEFL Y,Siphoninus phillyreae (HALIDA Y) (HOMOPTERA: ALEYRODIDAE) AND ITS PARASITOIDS IN MIDDLE EGYPT.". Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, 29, 5, 2004, 2855-2863. doi: 10.21608/jppp.2004.239718
Abdel Aleem,, R., Morsi, G., Metwaliy, M. (2004). 'POPULATION DENSITY OF THE POMEGRANATE WHITEFL Y,Siphoninus phillyreae (HALIDA Y) (HOMOPTERA: ALEYRODIDAE) AND ITS PARASITOIDS IN MIDDLE EGYPT.', Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, 29(5), pp. 2855-2863. doi: 10.21608/jppp.2004.239718
Abdel Aleem,, R., Morsi, G., Metwaliy, M. POPULATION DENSITY OF THE POMEGRANATE WHITEFL Y,Siphoninus phillyreae (HALIDA Y) (HOMOPTERA: ALEYRODIDAE) AND ITS PARASITOIDS IN MIDDLE EGYPT.. Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, 2004; 29(5): 2855-2863. doi: 10.21608/jppp.2004.239718
2Ministry of Agric., Agric.Res.Center, Plant Protection Res.lnst., Biological Control Dept.
The seasonal fluctuation of the population density of the pomegranate whitefly, S. phil/yrea8 in Beni-Suef Govemorate and its parasitism were estimated from April, 2002 to March, 2004. The infestation was from June until December, with 4- 5 annual ~aks. The first year of study showed four peaks. The first peak occurred on August,S'" when the total number of a/l stages of the pomeg"ranate whitefly insect per 100 leaves was 2579. The second peak in September, 20 with a peak of 5422 insects. However, the thirC1 peak, with 8054 insects 1100 leaves on the October 5"'. The fourth peak with 5148 insects on November, 20'fl. In the second year, five peaks of 2217,2595,3011,3500 and 2756 insects per 100 leaves were recorded on July 5'f1; August 5", September 5"; October 5" and November 20'fl, respectively.
Three species of Aphelinidae: Encarsia partenopea Masi , E. lutea (Mas;) and Eretmocerus comi Haldiman were reared from. S. phil/yreae, one species of Coccinellidae: CJitostethus sp. and one species of Chrysopidae viz.. ChrysopeT1a cameae (Step h.) were found praying upon the eggs and nymphs of S. phil/yreae. Evaluation of the rates of parasitism by the above-mentioned parasitoids was estimated.