Bayoumi,, O., Ashry, M., EI-Naggar, M., Eissa, F. (2003). DETERMINATION OF SOME PESTICIDES RESIDUES IN WATERMELON PLANT AND THEIR TOXIC EFFECT AGAINST SOME PESTS. Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, 28(3), 2243-2257. doi: 10.21608/jppp.2003.242745
O. C. Bayoumi,; M. A. Ashry; M. M. F. EI-Naggar; F. I. I. Eissa. "DETERMINATION OF SOME PESTICIDES RESIDUES IN WATERMELON PLANT AND THEIR TOXIC EFFECT AGAINST SOME PESTS". Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, 28, 3, 2003, 2243-2257. doi: 10.21608/jppp.2003.242745
Bayoumi,, O., Ashry, M., EI-Naggar, M., Eissa, F. (2003). 'DETERMINATION OF SOME PESTICIDES RESIDUES IN WATERMELON PLANT AND THEIR TOXIC EFFECT AGAINST SOME PESTS', Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, 28(3), pp. 2243-2257. doi: 10.21608/jppp.2003.242745
Bayoumi,, O., Ashry, M., EI-Naggar, M., Eissa, F. DETERMINATION OF SOME PESTICIDES RESIDUES IN WATERMELON PLANT AND THEIR TOXIC EFFECT AGAINST SOME PESTS. Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, 2003; 28(3): 2243-2257. doi: 10.21608/jppp.2003.242745
Dept. of pesticides, Fac. of Agrlc, Kafr EI-Shelkh Tanta Univ, Egypt
The efficiency of some pesticides (malathion, pirirniphos methyl. hlorpyrifos methyl, carbosulfan and methomyi ) were lested against melon aphid adults Aphis gossypii (Glover) and the fourth ins tar larvae of cotton leatworm Spodoptera /Ittoralls (Bo\sd.) For melon aphid adults. carbosulfan pesticide was the mo t effective compound against Aphis gossyp < /em>ii rollowed bv chlorpyrifos-methyl, pirimlp os-rnethyl and methomyl pestiCide. LCso values of previous insecticides were: 0.49 • and 5.46 ppm. respectively. Malathion showed the lowest toxicity with the Cso value of 34.89 ppm. While. chlorpyrifos-methyl was the most effective pestlclde towards Spodoptera litloralis larvae rollowed by methomyl and malathion. The obtained LCso values were 10.29,47.84 and 270.22 ppm, respectively). However, pirimip os·methyl and carbosullan exhibited lowest toxicity agair.lst S. littoralis larvae wit the LCse values of 1079.00 and 3245.06 ppm, respectively.
Residues of the tested pesticides were determined in watermelon peel. pulp and seeds after zero time, one, three and five days from treatments. The initial concentrations or different pesticides tested were detected after one hour of treatments wilh different variations in samples and tested pesticides by using GLC and colorimetric methods . These residues were changed In examined samples at intervals with limes to reach at the end of experiments (5 days): For Malat ion (0.083, 0.052 and 0.026 ppm in watermelon peel, pulp and seeds, respec ively.) For pirimiphos methyl (0.0232, 0.0274 and 0.0083 ppm in watermelon). For chlorpyrifos methyl (0.975, 7.54 and 9.892 ppm) in watermelon peel, pulp and seeds, repectively. For methomyl Ihe residues were Increased in watermelon peel and pUlp recording 1.377 ppm and 0.764 ppm, respectively while the residue was descended to 0.452 ppm in watermelon seeds.