Hosny,, A., EI-Naggar, M., Keratum, A., Magouz, R. (2003). EFFICIENCY OF CERTAIN ACARICIDES AND BIOFLY IN AN INTEGRATED SPIDER MITE TETRANYCHUS URTICAE MANAGEMENT. Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, 28(3), 2349-2361. doi: 10.21608/jppp.2003.243153
A. H. Hosny,; M. M. F. EI-Naggar; A. Y. Keratum; R. I. Magouz. "EFFICIENCY OF CERTAIN ACARICIDES AND BIOFLY IN AN INTEGRATED SPIDER MITE TETRANYCHUS URTICAE MANAGEMENT". Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, 28, 3, 2003, 2349-2361. doi: 10.21608/jppp.2003.243153
Hosny,, A., EI-Naggar, M., Keratum, A., Magouz, R. (2003). 'EFFICIENCY OF CERTAIN ACARICIDES AND BIOFLY IN AN INTEGRATED SPIDER MITE TETRANYCHUS URTICAE MANAGEMENT', Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, 28(3), pp. 2349-2361. doi: 10.21608/jppp.2003.243153
Hosny,, A., EI-Naggar, M., Keratum, A., Magouz, R. EFFICIENCY OF CERTAIN ACARICIDES AND BIOFLY IN AN INTEGRATED SPIDER MITE TETRANYCHUS URTICAE MANAGEMENT. Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, 2003; 28(3): 2349-2361. doi: 10.21608/jppp.2003.243153
Department of Pesticides. Faculty of Agriculture, Kafr EI-Sh lkh, Tanta University, Egypt.
Laboratory study was carried out to evaluate the toxic eHect of six compounds; four acaricides (pyridaben, fenpyroximate, bromopropylale and abamectin): one pyrethroid (cypermethrin) and one biocide (Siolly) against adult females or both phytophagous mite T. unicee (Koch) and predatory m~e A. gossip; (EI-8adry). The effect of sublethal doses of these compounds on some biological and behavioural characteristics of T. urticae and its predator was also examined.
Abamectin had a special pOSition in both mite chemical control r integrated mita management as: 1) It had high toxic effect and high selectivity index. 2) It decreased prey 899 deposition to a suitable level and had a little e(fect on egg viability. 3) It was one of the most safer compounds that allow the predator 10 consume contaminated eggs and slightly affected predator egg production. Fenpyro)(lmate had a high safety index and had the next position in int grated mite management. Cypermethrin may not be recommended if safety and selectivity indexes were taken in consideration, it was one of the most eHective compounds on prey egg consumption by the predator A. gossip < /em>; and predator egg production. Pyridaben was the most effective on egg hatchability. Ovicidal effect of bromopropylate was decreased as egg-age increased. Siolly did not exhi it afJY trend concerning its ovIcidal effect on different egg stages.