Serag EI-Dien,, F., Eissa, A. (2003). EFFECT OF STIMUAL TIVE FEEDING WITH SOME POLLEN SUBSTITUTES ON BROOD REARING ACTIVITY OF HONEYBEE COLONIES. Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, 28(12), 8455-8460. doi: 10.21608/jppp.2003.247791
F. Sh. Serag EI-Dien,; Asmaa A. Eissa. "EFFECT OF STIMUAL TIVE FEEDING WITH SOME POLLEN SUBSTITUTES ON BROOD REARING ACTIVITY OF HONEYBEE COLONIES". Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, 28, 12, 2003, 8455-8460. doi: 10.21608/jppp.2003.247791
Serag EI-Dien,, F., Eissa, A. (2003). 'EFFECT OF STIMUAL TIVE FEEDING WITH SOME POLLEN SUBSTITUTES ON BROOD REARING ACTIVITY OF HONEYBEE COLONIES', Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, 28(12), pp. 8455-8460. doi: 10.21608/jppp.2003.247791
Serag EI-Dien,, F., Eissa, A. EFFECT OF STIMUAL TIVE FEEDING WITH SOME POLLEN SUBSTITUTES ON BROOD REARING ACTIVITY OF HONEYBEE COLONIES. Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, 2003; 28(12): 8455-8460. doi: 10.21608/jppp.2003.247791
1Plant Protect. Res. lnst. Sakha, Agric. Res. St. Agric. Res. Center
2Plant Protect. Res. Inst. Giemeza, Agrlc. Res. St. Agric. Res.Center
Study was conducted in the apiary of Sakha Agricultura! Research Station.
Kafr EI-Sheikh. The Arab Republic of E~yPt during two dearth periods. the first period elapsed from March t" until April 251 , 2002, the second one Irom September 201~, 2002 to January 18111• 2003. Resulls indicated Significant differences between the mean broad areas in the colonies led on diet (C) and the other diets except with diet. II could be arranged means of brood areas in the following descending order, (C) > B» (A) (814) in the first period. In the second one, statistical analysis reveated significant differences between the mean brood areas In the colonies fed on diet (C) and the other diets. At the sample period, the mean value of sealed brood area (192.9/in2) in colonies fed on diet (A) was least comparing with Ihe other diets. II could be noticed that measurements of sealed brood area in the first period were higher than those in the second one. On the other hand, Increase of brood production in colonies fed on diet (C). (B) and (A) comparing with control were 36.64,25.99 and 18.83% in the fIrst period while in the second cne, they were 66.35, 31.42 an 18.42% in colonies fed on the same dlets, respeclively,f;1 could be concluded that beekeepers can use diet (C) as pollen substilute during two dearth periods of flowering plants in Kafr El-Sheikh region to build up brood areas 01 colonies before main nectar flow of dover.