Youssef, A., Kassab, H. (2002). EFFECT OF STORAGE AND TEMPERATURE ON CERTAIN BIOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF Calosobruchus maculatus F. AND CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF PEANUT SEEDS. Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, 27(1), 649-660. doi: 10.21608/jppp.2002.252985
Asmhan Youssef Youssef; Hanan E. Kassab. "EFFECT OF STORAGE AND TEMPERATURE ON CERTAIN BIOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF Calosobruchus maculatus F. AND CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF PEANUT SEEDS". Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, 27, 1, 2002, 649-660. doi: 10.21608/jppp.2002.252985
Youssef, A., Kassab, H. (2002). 'EFFECT OF STORAGE AND TEMPERATURE ON CERTAIN BIOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF Calosobruchus maculatus F. AND CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF PEANUT SEEDS', Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, 27(1), pp. 649-660. doi: 10.21608/jppp.2002.252985
Youssef, A., Kassab, H. EFFECT OF STORAGE AND TEMPERATURE ON CERTAIN BIOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF Calosobruchus maculatus F. AND CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF PEANUT SEEDS. Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, 2002; 27(1): 649-660. doi: 10.21608/jppp.2002.252985
Two varieties of peanut seeds (Giza 4 and Giza 5) were obtained from Agriculture Research Center at Giza. Seeds were used for rearing beetle of Calosobruchus maculatus F. and studying the effect of high temperature and storage for one year on certain biological aspects of C. maculatus and chemical composition of peanut seeds.
The obtained results revealed that: peanut seeds Giza 4 are more sensitive to be attacked by C. maculatus than Giza 5 variety, the tested peanut varieties had a highly significant effect on the developmental period and the adult beetles production, it was 27.58 + 2.9, 30.60 + 1.40 days for developmental period and total individuals production per female was 41.46 and 38.78 individuals for Giza 4 and Giza 5, respectively.
This beetle could be physically controlled by exposing the initially infested seeds to 60oC for 5 minutes in the same time, chemical composition of heated peanut seeds slightly affected compared with control (unheated seeds).
Effect of storage time on total egg production of C. maculatus female, developmental period and chemical composition of stored peanut seeds was high significantly. Protein content had slight increase with increasing of storage time, developmental period of this beetle extended to decrease with increased temperature, it was 21.92 + 0.74 at 30.7oC when protein content was 23.62 %, fat 52.28%, Ash 3.23% and carbohydrate 20.87%.
On the other hand, storage caused decreasing in moisture and carbohydrate content of stored peanut seeds while fat and ash content were increased with increasing the time of storage. Essential amino acids were decreased as a result to increasing the time of storage and decreasing of developmental period this means increasing of insect population and degree of infestation. In addition, storage of peanut seeds caused decreasing in the percentage of total unsaturated, total essential fatty acids and iodine number while caused increasing in acid value, free fatty acids and peroxide value of peanut oil.