EI-Hadldy,, A., GOWily, A., Aly, M., Mosa, A. (2002). BIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF ROOT ~ROT AND WILT DISEASES OF PEPPER PLANTS. Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, 27(9), 6427-6444. doi: 10.21608/jppp.2002.253992
Abeer E EI-Hadldy,; Ahlam M. GOWily; M. Aly; A. A. Mosa. "BIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF ROOT ~ROT AND WILT DISEASES OF PEPPER PLANTS". Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, 27, 9, 2002, 6427-6444. doi: 10.21608/jppp.2002.253992
EI-Hadldy,, A., GOWily, A., Aly, M., Mosa, A. (2002). 'BIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF ROOT ~ROT AND WILT DISEASES OF PEPPER PLANTS', Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, 27(9), pp. 6427-6444. doi: 10.21608/jppp.2002.253992
EI-Hadldy,, A., GOWily, A., Aly, M., Mosa, A. BIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF ROOT ~ROT AND WILT DISEASES OF PEPPER PLANTS. Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, 2002; 27(9): 6427-6444. doi: 10.21608/jppp.2002.253992
1Department of Plant Protection, Desert Research Center, Cairo,
2Department or Plant Pathology, Faculty of Agriculture, Aln Shams University, Shoubr8 EI~Kheima, Cairo.
Rhlzosphere colonizing bacteria and fungi were counted and isolated from samples of six crops grown in reclaimed fields lit Manout districts. A total of 69 bacterial and 22 fungal Isolates in addition to four known bioagents were tested, in vitro, for their antagonistic effect against the agents of wilt and root rot of pepper namely Fusarium Oltysporom, Pythium aphanidarmatum and Rhizoctonla solani. Twenty three isolates showed moderate to stron~1 inhibition or hyperparasitism on mycelium of at least one of these pathogens The biocontrol ability of these antagonists Isolates was evaluated using an in vivo assay. Accordingly, six isolates were selected and used for soil treatment to control root rot and will of pepper in pot experiments. The most effective isolates were Pseudomonas nuorescens (SA 1), lollowed by T. harzianum (Th1) and reduced root rol or wilt Incidence by not less than 75%. Significant mcrease in fresh and dry weight of pepper plants treated by P. fluorescens or T. harzianum were obtained In pathogens free solts, Treatment of pepper transplants by both BA-1 and Th-5 isolates, before transplantinq in Ihe field, significantly (educed incidence of root rot and will of pepper, however, isolate Th5 had the dual effecl of disease sl.Ippression as well as growth and yield Increase.