Tag El-Din, M., Ahmed, F., Zein, A., El-Naggar, J. (2002). TOXICOLOGICAL STUDIES OF SOME PESTICIDES ON CERTAIN VEGETABLE CROPS PESTS II-AN ATTEMPT TO MINIMIZE ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION WITH PESTICIDES. Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, 27(12), 8635-8644. doi: 10.21608/jppp.2002.256212
M. H. Tag El-Din; F. A. M. Ahmed; A. A. Zein; J. B. El-Naggar. "TOXICOLOGICAL STUDIES OF SOME PESTICIDES ON CERTAIN VEGETABLE CROPS PESTS II-AN ATTEMPT TO MINIMIZE ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION WITH PESTICIDES". Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, 27, 12, 2002, 8635-8644. doi: 10.21608/jppp.2002.256212
Tag El-Din, M., Ahmed, F., Zein, A., El-Naggar, J. (2002). 'TOXICOLOGICAL STUDIES OF SOME PESTICIDES ON CERTAIN VEGETABLE CROPS PESTS II-AN ATTEMPT TO MINIMIZE ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION WITH PESTICIDES', Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, 27(12), pp. 8635-8644. doi: 10.21608/jppp.2002.256212
Tag El-Din, M., Ahmed, F., Zein, A., El-Naggar, J. TOXICOLOGICAL STUDIES OF SOME PESTICIDES ON CERTAIN VEGETABLE CROPS PESTS II-AN ATTEMPT TO MINIMIZE ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION WITH PESTICIDES. Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, 2002; 27(12): 8635-8644. doi: 10.21608/jppp.2002.256212
Five formulated compounds Fenpyroximate, fenarimol , sulphur , mineral oil , Kz-oil and black pepper extract were studied for their acricidal activity against different stages of the two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae ,and their fungicidal activity against Rhizoctonia solani ,Fusarium moniliforme and Alternaria solani that associated with T. urticae under plastic tunnels conditions..The results exhibited in general that the sensitivity of the T. urticae eggs to the compounds was increased with increasing egg age , and that Fenpyroximate was the most potent against mite egg stages. The same compound and kz-oil exhibited high residual effect against moving stages of T. urticae on tomato , pepper and cucumber plants .When the seeds of these varities of plants were treated with the tested compounds , fenarimol -treated pepper increased % seedling emergence in R. solani - infested soil more than the other compounds . All compounds – treated cucumber did not show a pronounced response aagainst R. solani . % post emergence was 100%for tomato, while it was zero % in case of cucumber and pepper . On the other hand most of the tested compounds exhibited more protection for cucumber and pepper against F. moniliforme than that against R. solani . Fenarimol was the most protectant compound against A.solani when sprayed on tomato plants . The protection due to tested compounds in general , was more after inoculation with the pathogen than that of before inoculation.