Badawy,, A., EL-Gaafarey, T., Mansour, H., Abd Elmonem, A. (2022). Effect of Pollination by Honey Bees on Seed Yield and Its Attributes in Egyptian Clover (Trifolium aalexandrinum L.). Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, 13(12), 319-324. doi: 10.21608/jppp.2023.180766.1121
A. S. M. Badawy,; T. G. EL-Gaafarey; H. A. M. Mansour; A. M. A. Abd Elmonem. "Effect of Pollination by Honey Bees on Seed Yield and Its Attributes in Egyptian Clover (Trifolium aalexandrinum L.)". Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, 13, 12, 2022, 319-324. doi: 10.21608/jppp.2023.180766.1121
Badawy,, A., EL-Gaafarey, T., Mansour, H., Abd Elmonem, A. (2022). 'Effect of Pollination by Honey Bees on Seed Yield and Its Attributes in Egyptian Clover (Trifolium aalexandrinum L.)', Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, 13(12), pp. 319-324. doi: 10.21608/jppp.2023.180766.1121
Badawy,, A., EL-Gaafarey, T., Mansour, H., Abd Elmonem, A. Effect of Pollination by Honey Bees on Seed Yield and Its Attributes in Egyptian Clover (Trifolium aalexandrinum L.). Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, 2022; 13(12): 319-324. doi: 10.21608/jppp.2023.180766.1121
Effect of Pollination by Honey Bees on Seed Yield and Its Attributes in Egyptian Clover (Trifolium aalexandrinum L.)
1Forage Crops Res. Sec., Field Crops Res. Inst., A. R. C. Giza, Egypt.
2Apicultural Res. Dept., Plant Prot. Res. Inst., A. R. C. Giza, Egypt.
The effect of honey bees as a pollinator on quality and quantity of Egyptian clover (Trifolium alexandrinum L.) seeds was studied to get acquainted of the colony numbers (No. of frames) on seed production during 2019/2020 and 2020/2021 winter seasons. The honey bees, Apis mellifera, had significant effect in all seed treatments and four frames gave the highest seed setting. Over the two seasons, the maximum seed setting was recorded with four honey bee frames (81.6%) followed by three frames (75.5%), open pollination gave 72.1%, two frames gave 64.7%, one frame gave 59.6%, and without honey bee pollination in greenhouse gave 11.5%. Maximum seed yield was obtained by treatment of four frames (1.03kg/plot) followed by thee frames (0.944 kg/plot), two frames (0.822 kg/plot) and one frame (0.7 kg/plot). While the open pollination gave 0.89 kg/plot and without honey bee pollination gave 0.155 kg/plot. Maximum 1000-seed weight was increased by number of honey bee frames since the weight by four frames was 3.23 g/plot, by three frames was 3.07g/plot, by two frames was 2.77g/plot, and by one frame was 2.68 g/plot. The 1000-seed in open pollination treatment weighted 2.95 g/plot and 2.60 g/plot in free-honey bee pollination. Maximum seed germination was recorded in four frames of honey bee (94.5%), followed by three frames (93.5%), open pollination (92.8%), two frames (92.2%), one frame (89%), whereas the minimum seed germination was recorded in treatments of free-honey bee pollination (83.5%).