Ghanim, N., Elgohary, L. (2015). FIELD EVALUATION OF CERTAIN INSECTICIDES AGAINST SOME INSECT PESTS INFESTING ORANGE TREES. Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, 6(1), 45-53. doi: 10.21608/jppp.2015.53059
N. M. Ghanim; Laila R. A. Elgohary. "FIELD EVALUATION OF CERTAIN INSECTICIDES AGAINST SOME INSECT PESTS INFESTING ORANGE TREES". Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, 6, 1, 2015, 45-53. doi: 10.21608/jppp.2015.53059
Ghanim, N., Elgohary, L. (2015). 'FIELD EVALUATION OF CERTAIN INSECTICIDES AGAINST SOME INSECT PESTS INFESTING ORANGE TREES', Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, 6(1), pp. 45-53. doi: 10.21608/jppp.2015.53059
Ghanim, N., Elgohary, L. FIELD EVALUATION OF CERTAIN INSECTICIDES AGAINST SOME INSECT PESTS INFESTING ORANGE TREES. Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, 2015; 6(1): 45-53. doi: 10.21608/jppp.2015.53059
1Plant Protection Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center, Dokki, Giza, Egypt.
2Pesticide Dept., Faculty of Agriculture, Mansoura University, Egypt.
The present study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of Thiamethoxam, Imidacloprid, Spirotetramat, Sulfoxaflor, Buprofezin, Dimethoate, Phosmet and Mineral oil against Phyllocnistis citrella Stainton, Planococcus citri (Risso), Lepidosaphes beckii (Newman) and Ceroplastes floridensis Comstock infesting orange trees (Citrus sinensis L. (Rutacea)) under field conditions. The experiments were conducted in the Experimental Farm, Faculty of Agriculture, Mansoura University, Dakahlia Governorate, Egypt. The obtained results showed that the highest effective treatment on P. citrella was that of Thiamethoxam (the mean reduction percentages was 82.9%) followed by Imidacloprid (78.6%), Dimethoate (76.6%) and Sulfoxaflor (76.2%). Dimethoate ranked the highest treatment against P. citri followed by Imidacloprid and Thiamethoxam, where their general mean reductions reached 89.9, 82.9 and 82.3%, respectively. With respect to L. beckii, Dimethoate ranked the highest treatment followed by Phosmet which recorded general mean reductions of 90.8 and 90.7%, respectively. Also, Dimethoate was the highest insecticide against C. floridensis (the general mean reduction percentages was 90.2%) followed by Thiamethoxam (86.9%) and Imidacloprid (86.1%).