Afsah, A., Fargalla, F., Baiomy, F. (2015). THE IMPACT OF (AREA) SIZE, HEIGHTS AND POSITIONS OF YELLOW STICKY TRAPS ON THE ATTRACTION OF THE WHITEFLY, Bemisia tabaci (GENNADIUS). Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, 6(1), 195-202. doi: 10.21608/jppp.2015.53205
A. F. E. Afsah; Farha H. Fargalla; Fatina Baiomy. "THE IMPACT OF (AREA) SIZE, HEIGHTS AND POSITIONS OF YELLOW STICKY TRAPS ON THE ATTRACTION OF THE WHITEFLY, Bemisia tabaci (GENNADIUS)". Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, 6, 1, 2015, 195-202. doi: 10.21608/jppp.2015.53205
Afsah, A., Fargalla, F., Baiomy, F. (2015). 'THE IMPACT OF (AREA) SIZE, HEIGHTS AND POSITIONS OF YELLOW STICKY TRAPS ON THE ATTRACTION OF THE WHITEFLY, Bemisia tabaci (GENNADIUS)', Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, 6(1), pp. 195-202. doi: 10.21608/jppp.2015.53205
Afsah, A., Fargalla, F., Baiomy, F. THE IMPACT OF (AREA) SIZE, HEIGHTS AND POSITIONS OF YELLOW STICKY TRAPS ON THE ATTRACTION OF THE WHITEFLY, Bemisia tabaci (GENNADIUS). Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, 2015; 6(1): 195-202. doi: 10.21608/jppp.2015.53205
Plant Protection Research Institute, Agriculture Research Centre
The experiment was conducted in the fall growing season of 2013 at farmer field in Badrashin province, Giza Governorate. The present study is to investigate and determines the suitable area (size), heights and direction positions of the yellow sticky traps to utilize those factors as new tools while implement the Integrated Pest Management strategy. Statistical analysis was showed presence highly significant differences between the tested trap sizes .The Data indicated that , the tested trap sizes can be arranged descending as follow: 200 >160 >80 >40> 20 Cm² in both tomato and cabbage fields. Moreover, the traps with 10 x 20 cm was captured the highest number of the Bemisia tabaci, adult, 38.33 and 566.27 (adults/trap) in tomato and cabbage crop, respectively. Data indicated that, there was an irreversible relationship between the number of the adults caught by the trap and its height. Where, the trap with 20 cm height above the ground surface recorded the highest captured whitefly adult per trap (63.33, 18.33 and 23.76 adult/trap in tomato, cabbage and uncultivated part (control), respectively). The results cleared that, the free hanging position type caught the highest number (164.87 adult/trap), but the reversible type caught the lowest number (19.07 adult/trap).The tested trap position arranged descending according its captures values as follow: free hanging> horizontal position> 45° angel towards north> vertical towards north > reversible trap, where its capture values were 164.87, 125.56, 109.30, 60.80 and 19.06 adult/trap. The trap with size 10X20 Cm², 20 Cm above the ground surface and free hanging recorded the highest capture of B. tabaci. The previous specification can be used to provide a clear picture about the population density of the whitefly in different crops at different period and use as implement tolls in the integrated pest management program.