Hussein, S., Hanafy, A., Afsah, A., Tantawy, M. (2015). OPTIMAL TIME FOR INSECTICIDE APPLICATIONS TO REDUCE THE ONION THRIPS, Thrips tabaci POPULATION ON GARLIC CROP AND THEIR EFFECT ON RESULTANT YIELD.. Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, 6(2), 291-300. doi: 10.21608/jppp.2015.53238
S. H. A. Hussein; A. R. I. Hanafy; A. F. E. Afsah; Maha A. M. Tantawy. "OPTIMAL TIME FOR INSECTICIDE APPLICATIONS TO REDUCE THE ONION THRIPS, Thrips tabaci POPULATION ON GARLIC CROP AND THEIR EFFECT ON RESULTANT YIELD.". Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, 6, 2, 2015, 291-300. doi: 10.21608/jppp.2015.53238
Hussein, S., Hanafy, A., Afsah, A., Tantawy, M. (2015). 'OPTIMAL TIME FOR INSECTICIDE APPLICATIONS TO REDUCE THE ONION THRIPS, Thrips tabaci POPULATION ON GARLIC CROP AND THEIR EFFECT ON RESULTANT YIELD.', Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, 6(2), pp. 291-300. doi: 10.21608/jppp.2015.53238
Hussein, S., Hanafy, A., Afsah, A., Tantawy, M. OPTIMAL TIME FOR INSECTICIDE APPLICATIONS TO REDUCE THE ONION THRIPS, Thrips tabaci POPULATION ON GARLIC CROP AND THEIR EFFECT ON RESULTANT YIELD.. Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, 2015; 6(2): 291-300. doi: 10.21608/jppp.2015.53238
Plant Protection Research Institute, (A.R.C), Giza, Egypt.
An experiment was carried out under field conditions at Ziton village in Beni-Sueif Governorate during two successive seasons, 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 to choose the suitable time of insecticide applications and their effect on T. tabaci infestation on garlic plants and resultant yield. The four tested treatments by applying two recommended insecticides at different times of plant growth were Carbosulfan (Marshal 20% EC with recommended rate 200 cm3/ fed.) and Spinetoram (Radiant 12% SC with recommended rate 120 cm3/ fed) compared with the untreated garlic plants.
Results and their statistical analysis showed clearly that all treatments significantly decreased the population density of T. tabaci and increased the garlic yield comparing with control treatment. The applying of Carbosulfan and Spinetoram at 15 day intervals (12 times of applications) throughout the whole growing season of garlic plant till one month before harvesting (T1) lead to reduce the population density of T. tabaci infesting garlic plants and gave the highest yield in the two studied seasons, as an average head weight of 12463.50 kg / feddan. Although, garlic plants which treated by Carbosulfan and Spinetoram after one month of sowing date from Nov., 1st at 30 old days till Dec., 15th (4 times of applications) (T2) infested by higher number of T. tabaci,then gave the considerable head yield (9313.50 kg / feddan).
However the application of T3 (Spraying of Carbosulfan and Spinetoram from Jan., 1st of at 90 old days till Feb., 15th) and T4 (spraying of Carbosulfan and Spinetoram from March 1st at 150 old days till April, 15 th) (4 times of applications) were the lowest infested group of T.tabaci and gave the lowest yield in the 4 insecticide applications, as the average of garlic head weight in the two seasons were 8498.70 and 8333.85 kg / feddan respectively. On the other hand, garlic plants in control plots infested by the significantly highest number of T. tabaci and gave the lowest yield when compared with the fourth treatment, as the average head weight in the two seasons was 6139.35 kg / feddan. Concerning the net return of the all tested treatments, T1 gave the best return 13322.55 L.E / feddan.