Dar, R., Salem, M., Moustafa, H., Hiekel, N. (2015). EVALUATION OF TWO GROUND SPRAYING EQUIPMENTS FOR CONTROLLING SPINY BOLLWORM Earias insulana (BOISD.) IN COTTON FIELD. Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, 6(2), 301-312. doi: 10.21608/jppp.2015.53240
Rehab A. A. Dar; M. S. M. Salem; Hemat Z. Moustafa; Nabiela S. A. Hiekel. "EVALUATION OF TWO GROUND SPRAYING EQUIPMENTS FOR CONTROLLING SPINY BOLLWORM Earias insulana (BOISD.) IN COTTON FIELD". Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, 6, 2, 2015, 301-312. doi: 10.21608/jppp.2015.53240
Dar, R., Salem, M., Moustafa, H., Hiekel, N. (2015). 'EVALUATION OF TWO GROUND SPRAYING EQUIPMENTS FOR CONTROLLING SPINY BOLLWORM Earias insulana (BOISD.) IN COTTON FIELD', Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, 6(2), pp. 301-312. doi: 10.21608/jppp.2015.53240
Dar, R., Salem, M., Moustafa, H., Hiekel, N. EVALUATION OF TWO GROUND SPRAYING EQUIPMENTS FOR CONTROLLING SPINY BOLLWORM Earias insulana (BOISD.) IN COTTON FIELD. Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, 2015; 6(2): 301-312. doi: 10.21608/jppp.2015.53240
Three insecticides; Selecron, Trebon and Patron were sprayed using Knapsack motor sprayer Cifarilli (20 L./Fed.) and Economy Micron ULVA (15 L./Fed.) in cotton field infested with the cotton spiny bollworm Earias insulana (Boisd.) larvae during 2014 cotton season at Qaha district, Qalyoubia Governorate. The spectrum of droplets size ranging between 140-169 microns (VMD) with sufficient number ranging from 14-276 droplets/cm². The productivity of motor sprayer Cifarilli was 12 Fed./day. It was the best equipment, but the lowest productivity was 3.04 Fed./day by using Economy Micron ULVA. Results indicated that Trebon and Selecron insecticides were almost behave to be equitoxic effective in controlling larvae of cotton bollworm on cotton plants than the Patron insecticide with Economy Micron ULVA (15 L./Fed.) followed by Knapsack motor Cifarilli sprayer (20L./Fed.). The efficiency of the tested insecticides could be descendingly arranged as follows: Trebon, Selecron and Patron. The corresponding general reduction rates were 91.15, 55.99 and 92.51% in case of using Micron ULVA equipment and 91.13, 55.19 and 92.20% in case of using Knapsack motor Cifarilli sprayer, respectively. Data showed that, low volume spraying may be recommended because of reducing the time lost in the process filling the machines of reducing the time lost of the spray solution on the plant leaves and saving the lost spray via run off on the ground.