Abdallah, E., Abdelgalil, G., Kassem, F., Asran, A., abou-Elnasser, H. (2015). COMPARATIVE MOLLUSCICIDAL ACTIVITY OF ABAMECTIN AND METHOMYL AGAINST Eobania vermiculata (Müller) AND Theba pisana (Müller. Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, 6(12), 1671-1683. doi: 10.21608/jppp.2015.75786
E. A. Abdallah; G. M. Abdelgalil; F. A. Kassem; A. A. Asran; H. S S. abou-Elnasser. "COMPARATIVE MOLLUSCICIDAL ACTIVITY OF ABAMECTIN AND METHOMYL AGAINST Eobania vermiculata (Müller) AND Theba pisana (Müller". Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, 6, 12, 2015, 1671-1683. doi: 10.21608/jppp.2015.75786
Abdallah, E., Abdelgalil, G., Kassem, F., Asran, A., abou-Elnasser, H. (2015). 'COMPARATIVE MOLLUSCICIDAL ACTIVITY OF ABAMECTIN AND METHOMYL AGAINST Eobania vermiculata (Müller) AND Theba pisana (Müller', Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, 6(12), pp. 1671-1683. doi: 10.21608/jppp.2015.75786
Abdallah, E., Abdelgalil, G., Kassem, F., Asran, A., abou-Elnasser, H. COMPARATIVE MOLLUSCICIDAL ACTIVITY OF ABAMECTIN AND METHOMYL AGAINST Eobania vermiculata (Müller) AND Theba pisana (Müller. Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, 2015; 6(12): 1671-1683. doi: 10.21608/jppp.2015.75786
1Pesticide Chemistry and Toxicology, Faculty of Agriculture, El-Shatby, Alexandria University.
2Department of Agriculture Animal Pests, Plant Protection Research Institute, Agriculture Research Center.
3National Institute of Oceanography and fisheries (NIOF). The Central Laboratory
The molluscicidal activity of abamectin were assessed compared with methomyl against the most two abundant snail species brown garden snail (BGS) Eobaniavermiculata and white garden snail (WGS) Thebapisana under laboratory conditions. The results indicated that LC50 values of methomyl were almost equal LC50 values of abamectin indicating more molluscicidal potency of abamectin and methomyl. Results also revealed a complete consistency of correlation between the LC50 values and exposed time intervals. The high molluscicidal activity of abamectin against E. vermiculata and T. pisana compared to methomyl using topical application technique could be used practically in the field of land snails control program and overcome some drawbacks of using bait forms in this respect. Comparing the LD50 values indicate the significant variation of the molluscicidal activity between the two applications methods used in addition to the variation between the two species of chosen snails, the brown garden snail E. vermiculata were resistant species than the white garden snail T. pisana.
The molluscicidal activity of abamectin were assessed compared with methomyl against the most two abundant snail species brown garden snail (BGS) Eobaniavermiculata and white garden snail (WGS) Thebapisana under laboratory conditions. The results indicated that LC50 values of methomyl were almost equal LC50 values of abamectin indicating more molluscicidal potency of abamectin and methomyl. Results also revealed a complete consistency of correlation between the LC50 values and exposed time intervals.The high molluscicidal activity of abamectin against E. vermiculata and T. pisana compared to methomyl using topical application technique could be used practically in the field of land snails control program and overcome some drawbacks of using bait forms in this respect. Comparing the LD50 values indicate the significant variation of the molluscicidal activity between the two applications methods used in addition to the variation between the two species of chosen snails, the brown garden snail E. vermiculata were resistant species than the white garden snail T. pisana. Keywords: Molluscicides, Abamectin, Methomyl, Eobania vermiculata and Thebapisana