Mahmoud, M., Ibrahim, I., Hafez, S., El-Anani, S. (2011). MONITORING OF THE MEDFLY Ceratitis capitata(WIEDEMAN) (DIPTERA: TEPHIRTIDAE) ACTIVITY BY CERALURE TRAPS IN NAVEL ORANGE ORCHARDS.. Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, 2(12), 1057-1062. doi: 10.21608/jppp.2011.86636
M. A. Mahmoud; I. L. Ibrahim; S. F. Hafez; S. A. El-Anani. "MONITORING OF THE MEDFLY Ceratitis capitata(WIEDEMAN) (DIPTERA: TEPHIRTIDAE) ACTIVITY BY CERALURE TRAPS IN NAVEL ORANGE ORCHARDS.". Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, 2, 12, 2011, 1057-1062. doi: 10.21608/jppp.2011.86636
Mahmoud, M., Ibrahim, I., Hafez, S., El-Anani, S. (2011). 'MONITORING OF THE MEDFLY Ceratitis capitata(WIEDEMAN) (DIPTERA: TEPHIRTIDAE) ACTIVITY BY CERALURE TRAPS IN NAVEL ORANGE ORCHARDS.', Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, 2(12), pp. 1057-1062. doi: 10.21608/jppp.2011.86636
Mahmoud, M., Ibrahim, I., Hafez, S., El-Anani, S. MONITORING OF THE MEDFLY Ceratitis capitata(WIEDEMAN) (DIPTERA: TEPHIRTIDAE) ACTIVITY BY CERALURE TRAPS IN NAVEL ORANGE ORCHARDS.. Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, 2011; 2(12): 1057-1062. doi: 10.21608/jppp.2011.86636
Dept. of Plant Protection, Fac. Agric., Al-Azhar University
The experiment was conducted throughout two successive and seasons (2007. 2008) from early September to late December. The aimwas to study the population fluctuation of medfly Ceratitis capitata wied.insect adults, and the relationship between two weather factors (namely mean temperature and relative humidity) and the population density of this insect. The mean number of caught insects by ceralure during 2007 reached its peak in 4th of November averaged 11.8 insects/trap, while, the mean number peak of the insects was 12.0 adults/trap in 2008 season. No significant difference between the mean number of insects/trap in 2007 and 2008 seasons (P= 0.058).
The mean number of male and female insects/trap (P=0.0001) was significantly different in the two successive seasons. The relationship between the daily mean temperature and insects was positive significant in 2007 and 2008 seasons, Mean whiles, the relationship was positive insignificant between the insect pest and the relative humidity in both seasons. The explained variance was 37.06% in 2007 and 62.99% in 2008 season, respectively.