Fargalla, F., Awadalla, S., El-Batran, L., El-Shayeb, A. (2019). Effects of the Morphological Diversity of Leaf Surface and Phytochemicals Composition on Preference Behavior of Leafhopper and Planthoppers on some Solanaceous Crops. Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, 10(12), 573-579. doi: 10.21608/jppp.2019.77982
F. H. Fargalla; S. Awadalla; L. A. El-Batran; A. A. El-Shayeb. "Effects of the Morphological Diversity of Leaf Surface and Phytochemicals Composition on Preference Behavior of Leafhopper and Planthoppers on some Solanaceous Crops". Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, 10, 12, 2019, 573-579. doi: 10.21608/jppp.2019.77982
Fargalla, F., Awadalla, S., El-Batran, L., El-Shayeb, A. (2019). 'Effects of the Morphological Diversity of Leaf Surface and Phytochemicals Composition on Preference Behavior of Leafhopper and Planthoppers on some Solanaceous Crops', Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, 10(12), pp. 573-579. doi: 10.21608/jppp.2019.77982
Fargalla, F., Awadalla, S., El-Batran, L., El-Shayeb, A. Effects of the Morphological Diversity of Leaf Surface and Phytochemicals Composition on Preference Behavior of Leafhopper and Planthoppers on some Solanaceous Crops. Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, 2019; 10(12): 573-579. doi: 10.21608/jppp.2019.77982
Effects of the Morphological Diversity of Leaf Surface and Phytochemicals Composition on Preference Behavior of Leafhopper and Planthoppers on some Solanaceous Crops
1Plant Protection Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center, Giza, Egypt
2Economic Entomology Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Mansoura University, Egypt
The present experiments were conducted to study the effect of different solanaceous host plants on the population density of the leafhoppers and planthoppers according to the morphological diversity of host surface and phytochemical composition on the preference behaviour of the insect pests during the two successive seasons 2017 and 2018 in Gharbia governorate. The leafhoppers, Empoasca decipiens and Empoasca decedens preferred eggplant as a host plant followed by tomato and pepper by using the three methods (leaf sample, yellow sticky traps, sweep net) during the two seasons. Meanwhile, Cicadulinachinai preferred tomato followed by eggplant and pepper by using the different methods. While, Balcuthahortensis preferred pepper followed by eggplant and tomato. On the other hand, the planthoppers, Sogatella futcifera preferred eggplant followed by pepper and tomato. Statistical analysis revealed that highly significant differences were recorded between the three host plants during the two seasons according to the average number of different leafhoppers and planthoppers by using the three sampling methods. Depending on the percentage of insect pest occurrence, sweep net recorded the highest percentage followed by yellow sticky traps and the lowest percentage of occurrence was recorded by leaf sample method. The insect population varied among leaf surface morphological characters. The Scanning Electron Microscope pictures revealed that, the trichome type was non-glandular in eggplant and tomato, while in pepper was hairiness. Population density exhibited significantly of trichome length on eggplant, whereas had less significantly on tomato leaves with higher hair density. Peppers, with no trichome had the lowest population of insect. Depending on the analysis of phytochemical composition of plant leaves, a highly positive correlated leafhopper and plant hoppers with higher ratios was found for the total protein, total nitrogen, α-esterase, β- esterase and Glutathione S-transferase (GST). However, the population density affected by the total ratio of carbohydrate of eggplant. While, there was a negative correlated between insect infestation and the contents of phenols, potassium, phosphorus and the plant soap acidity (pH), thus the population was high with low content of these components in eggplant followed by tomato then pepper. This study showed that the development of the host plant resistant to the insect pests is an important strategy of integrated pest management programs and the recognition of morphological and phytochemical characteristics may lead to develop resistance character in acceptable plant genotypes.