Fathy, H., EL- Batran, L., Mansour, H., Taha, R. (2014). INFLUNCE OF TYPE OF BEEHIVES ON COLONY GROWTH. Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, 5(5), 643-649. doi: 10.21608/jppp.2014.87969
H. Fathy; Lila. EL- Batran; H. Mansour; R. Taha. "INFLUNCE OF TYPE OF BEEHIVES ON COLONY GROWTH". Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, 5, 5, 2014, 643-649. doi: 10.21608/jppp.2014.87969
Fathy, H., EL- Batran, L., Mansour, H., Taha, R. (2014). 'INFLUNCE OF TYPE OF BEEHIVES ON COLONY GROWTH', Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, 5(5), pp. 643-649. doi: 10.21608/jppp.2014.87969
Fathy, H., EL- Batran, L., Mansour, H., Taha, R. INFLUNCE OF TYPE OF BEEHIVES ON COLONY GROWTH. Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, 2014; 5(5): 643-649. doi: 10.21608/jppp.2014.87969
The present study was conducted at the experimental farm of Sakha Agricultural Research Station, Mahlet Musa, Kafrelsheikh Governorate during the period from the beginning of September 2012 to the end of August 2013, to study the impact of type of beehives on brood rearing and colony population size. The mean area of worker sealed brood/colony/ month, and mean numbers of bees/colony/month obtained from foam hive colonies were significantly higher than those from langstroth hive colonies ones during all experimental periods. The highest rate of colony growth was recorded in colonies of all beehives during May, while the lowest one was occurred during December.